Social Security Optimizaton

Social Security is the foundation of most retirement income plans, yet most people miss out on tens of thousands of dollars in benefits. It is important for you to understand how to make the most of your Social Security decision and how to integrate it with your other retirement income sources. Know the difference between collecting early, collecting at Full Retirement Age or waiting till age 70 to collect and how it may impact your spouse and your taxes in the future.

Quick Links:

Social Security News You Should Know

“Social Security Announces 2.0 Percent Benefit Increase for 2018”  10/13/2017

“Here’s How Much the Average American is Collecting in Social Security this year” 2/11/2018

Downloadable Pre-Meeting Forms

Disregard filling out the Inflation Rate and Assumed Real Rate of Return under the Assumptions heading

Set up a Complimentary Social Security Analysis Meeting

Contact me for this free brochure

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We are currently scheduling face to face meetings out 1 week.  Meetings are usually about 30 – 45 minutes.

We invite you to consider meeting here at our office in Allegan.  We are also willing to come meet at your home or a local coffee shop near you, if that fits your schedule better.

Please complete the following and let us know what dates and times work best for you.  We will reply and confirm within 24-48 hours.

Phone:  269-673-6266 or

Whether we conference by phone or meet face to face, request your Complimentary (no fee) appointment today.

Call: (269) 673-6266


Address: 232 Trowbridge St., Allegan, MI 49010

Contact Kevin to Receive Your Own Personalized Report

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